

渋谷の街並みと、MIYASHITA PARKを一望できる抜群のロケーションに Officeとレコーディングスタジオを兼ね備えてた"EDGEof Creative Studio”。ここはKen Masuiが開発から携わり、コンセプトデザインを 手掛けたMIYASHITA PARKのホテルSequence内に位置しておりGame Changer Studio・EDGEofのスピンオフとしてスタートしたクリエイ ティブスタジオである。クリエイティブ、ブランディング、イベント、 ミュージックなど、様々なイノベーションを創造し、実装している。

ケン マスイ

Ken Masui


EDGEof Creativeの創設者であり、起業家、音楽プロデューサー、クリエイティブディレクター、プロパティデザイナー。

2020年東京オリンピックの聖火リレーをはじめ、大規模イベントのコーディネートを含む、制作とクリエイティブワークのすべての側面を手掛ける。音楽プロデューサーとして、日本のトップバンドMr. Childrenや国際的なアーティストをプロデュース。
東京・渋谷 MIYASHITA Parkを含む、都市複合施設のコンセプトデザインを主導。横浜市のクリエイティブアドバイザーを務め、安藤忠雄とのコラボレーションで大阪の「VS。」ミュージアムのコンセプトを設計。

持続可能性にも注力し、日本最大の太陽光発電所を開発、自然エネルギーを支援するap Bankに関与。ピーター・ティールが支援するSpark Neuro Japan CEO。
Stormbringer Japan CEOおよびStormbringer Global取締役として、オーストラリアやアジアにおける最先端の撮影スタジオの開発に取り組む。


Ken Masui is an entrepreneur, music producer, creative director, and an experienced property designer. He is the founder of EDGEof Creative – a creative studio that handles all aspects of production and creative work, including coordinating major events like the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Torch Relay. As a music producer he has produced Japan’s biggest bands, Mr. Children including few others globally.

Ken has led concept design projects for metropolitan city complexes, collaborating with corporate partners such as Mitsui Fudosan on major developments like the MIYASHITA Park in Shibuya, Tokyo. He currently serves as the Advisor for Creative for the City of Yokohama, Japan’s second-largest city. He also recently designed the concept for a museum called “VS.” in Osaka, in collaboration with renowned Asian architect Tadao Ando.

In addition to his creative and urban design work, Ken focuses on sustainability. He developed the largest solar field in Japan and was involved with ap Bank, a musicians’ fund supporting natural energy sources. He is the CEO of Spark Neuro Japan, a global neuroscience company backed by Peter Thiel.

Ken is currently also the CEO of Stormbringer Japan and a Board Member for Stormbringer Global. In his role at Stormbringer, he has been involved in developing cutting-edge filming studios in Australia and Asia. Ken primarily splits his time between New York, London, and Tokyo.

Our team
Keiichi Hayashi
Koji Yamada
Consultant / Special Task Manager
Nana Shimoya
Executive Assistant
Eri Yoshida
Executive Accountant
Eri Yoshida
Lead Designer
Takaaki Imoto
Executive Designer
Yoko Tada
Web Designer
Hana Tanaka
Music: Assistant Manager
Hiromu Aizawa
Music: Engineer / Composer
Momoko Yamada
City Development: Assistant Manager
Hana Tanaka
International Branch: Assistant Manager
Sairi Aikawa
International Branch: London Office / Coordinator
Yosuke Itakura
International Branch: Consultant
Takahashi Tsukumo
Web: Developer